8u Tournament Info8u Rules9u Tournament Info10u Tournament Info11/12u Griffey Bracket Info11/12u Ryan Bracket Info9/10/11/12u Rules13/14 Griffey Bracket Info13/14 RulesImportant Numbers
Level Captains
8U John Guarino 585-943-6309
9U Don Collichio 585-406-4337
10U Dan Tydings 585-750-8843
11/12U Griffey Travis Sjursen (585-703-8728)
11/12u Ryan Matt Bilofsky 585-233-5582
13U Mike Scozzaro/Daniel Wright 585-520-9308
Umpire and Chief Mike Baxter All levels when on site and always in 11/12 Griffey and 13U/14U Daniel Wright 8-10 and Ryan 11/12
Tournament Director Andy Struzik 585-329-7228 and Daniel Wright (585-520-9308)
Matt Bilofsky 585 233-5582
Grounds Mike Baxter
Score Reporting
Please make sure that both coaches fill out the score and pitching report and texted it turned in to level Captain.
I am sure that some other things may come up I ask that before yelling at an ump or a fellow coach that you work with us, if we all work together it will be a great two weeks!!!
Game Cameras
Games on Zabkar, Odenbach, and Baxter will be streamed via GoDog https://pfll.godogsports.com/
Passcode is PLL12023